
Side view of DPS 816 Mac Jaw.

Side view of DPS 816 Mac Jaw.

View of DPS 816 Mac Jaw mounted to an ETD.

Side view of DPS 816 Mac Jaw.
DPS 816 Mac Jaw
Made of 4140 chrome molly steel, this industry proven device is sure to keep your equipment secured and safe. With this new and improved
Sold separately or as a complete assembly.

Front view of DPS 680 Charger.

Top view of DPS 680 Charger.

DPS 680 Cables.

Front view of DPS 680 Charger.
DPS 680 4-Port Charger
The DPS 680 4-Port Charger allows you to charge up to 4 DPS 2020-He ETDs or Wabtec NG-ATX’s. The DPS 680 4-Port Charger is the most efficient way of charging your fleet of ETDs. It includes a sturdy chassis and four 10’ cables.

DPS 680 Cables.

DPS 680 Cables.
DPS 680-C Replacement Charger Cable
Replacement 10' DPS 680-C charger, made for the DPS 680 4-Port Charger and DPS 2020-He/DPS 2020 He-LD ETDs.

Top view of DPS 650 Charger.

View of DPS 650 Charger Plug.

Top view of DPS 650 Charger.
DPS 650 Wall Adapter ETD Charger
The DPS 650 ETD Wall Charger includes everything you need to charge your DPS 2020 ETDs or Wabtec NGATX ETDs. The DPS 650 wall Charger is the most affordable way to charge your ETDs.

Top view of DPS 660 Charger.

View of DPS 660 Charger Plug.

Top view of DPS 660 Charger.
The DPS 660 ETD Car Charger includes everything you need to charge your DPS 2020 ETDs or Wabtec NGATX ETDs from your vehicle 12v accessory port. DPS 660 has a cable length of 8'6"

Top view of DPS 610 Charger Tester.

View of DPS 610 Charger Tester Plug.

Top view of DPS 610 Charger Tester.
The DPS Charger Tester can verify chargers are operating properly. It will test single or ETD 4-port chargers. It checks for any pins that may have a short. Using this will help prevent shorting out PCB Main Boards.